Suspended Driver License: Now What?

In the previous blog, I discussed the procedure of fighting a possible driver license suspension. But if it does get suspended, what do you do?

  1. Drive anyway. ( As a lawyer, I cannot recommend this action. I couldn’t recommend it anyway. If you drive with a suspended license, you are subject to a Class B Misdemeanor offense of Driving While License Suspended.)
  2. Walk or ride a bicycle. (Not always a favorable alternative.)
  3. Get someone else to drive you for the suspension period.
  4. Obtain an Occupational License. There are two forms of an occupational license: the old way of having set times and routes one can drive; or install an ignition interlock, which will give unobstructed times and routes.

There is an installation fee for installing such a device. Further, there are monthly costs for the monitoring, which may be required by pretrial bond conditions. I have also heard of instances where the device adversely affects the vehicle, although this is rare.

Additionally, a Financial Responsibility Insurance Certificate (SR-22) must be obtained and maintained for two years from the date of conviction. The authority for this requirement can be found at 37 Texas Administrative Code, § 25.6 (d)(2)(2004).

After the suspension period, there is a reinstatement fee, the cost of which is determined by the degree of suspension.

Suspension periods can be 90 days, 180 days, 1 year and longer, depending on the nature of the suspension and the driving offense history of the person. For this reason, it is most important for a person to refrain from receiving driving convictions.

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